But Karr's ex-wife, to whom he hasn't spoken since their 2001 divorce following his arrest for possession of child pornography, says he was with her and their children in Alabama the Christmas of JonBenet's death. And Karr's claim to have drugged and raped the little girl he "loved very much" just doesn't match the autopsy report.
At second glance, Karr appears to be nothing but a dead soul who took the Gary Glitter Adventure Tour, and staring at a Thai jail cell after having lost everything but his perversion, fell back upon his morbid obsession with the Ramsey case as his last advantage. And Homeland Security, for its own reasons, was happy to oblige. Karr may still have some truth to tell, but that depends upon his yet-unverified resume, which alleges he was employed "in some of the most prestigious schools in the United States, working with children from high-profile families" between 1996 and 2001.
Six years ago a different wrinkle was added to the Ramsey story, which America's national media wasn't nearly as interested in reporting. From Boulder's Daily Camera, February 25, 2000:
DA pursues new Ramsey lead
District Attorney Alex Hunter has turned over new information to Boulder police and the FBI that he says could provide a major breakthrough in solving the 3-year-old JonBenét Ramsey murder case.
The information is from testimony and documents provided voluntarily by a 37-year-old California woman who was brought forward by Boulder attorney Lee Hill. The woman said she has suffered a lifetime of sexual and physical abuse, beginning at age 3. Her story, if true, could mean the Ramsey case is tangled in sexual abuse and involves more people than originally thought.
Hill, who is a former San Diego County deputy district attorney and former special assistant U.S. attorney and is experienced in investigative work, said, "She is among the most credible witnesses I have ever interviewed." He is representing the woman in her decision to give information to authorities.
The woman has described to police years of sexual and physical abuse in California homes at the hands of adults who stayed at holiday and other parties after other guests had left for the evening. Then, she said, another "party," one of sexual abuse for the gratification of a select group of adults, would begin.
In talking to detectives, the woman draws parallels between sexual techniques used at these sessions and the physical evidence of garroting that investigators found on the body of JonBenét Ramsey. The woman told detectives she believes JonBenét was killed accidentally when an asphyxiation technique used to stimulate an orgasmic response during a child sex and porno "party" went too far.
The woman told police she knows firsthand about asphyxiation (choking) to produce a sexual response because it had been done to her when she was a child. The woman said in her experience little girls were dressed provocatively and trained to say provocative things, such as, "It's a pleasure to please you."
She told police that when girls did not perform as expected, they were struck on the head. That was because their hair covered the wound. A big night for such "parties" was Christmas night, she said. Over the years, she said, many parties were held then because a large number of cars around a house did not arouse suspicion in the neighborhood and the children had a full week to heal from their wounds before returning to school.
JonBenét Ramsey's death occurred overnight Christmas 1996. The autopsy report concluded she suffered a blow on the head and was strangled.
The woman said she knows the Ramseys through the Fleet White family. She said the godfather to her mother is Fleet White Sr., 86, of California. Fleet White Jr. of Boulder and John Ramsey were close friends until the death of JonBenét.
On March 10 of that year, this story appeared in the Daily-Times Call:
Messages warn therapist to avoid figure in sex ring
BOULDER — The California therapist who is treating the so-called Mystery Woman in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case has received telephone messages ordering her to stay away from her patient, who has come forward with allegations of lifelong sexual abuse by a ring that includes figures in the Ramsey case.
The five messages were left at the office of Mary Bienkowski over what is believed to be a six-month period. One of the calls appears to be made by one woman and the other four made by a second woman.
The text of the calls follows:
1. (Caller One) "Hello Mary. This is a very interested party in regards to (Mystery Woman's) welfare. (Her) past and her future are of no, of no concern to you. She made an error in judgement when she came to see you and you have caused her nothing but pain and suffering. Her main concern now is her new husband and her family. She has started a life and is going to be moving as far away from you as possible. She belongs with her family and nobody else. She is off limits to you."
2. (Caller Two) "Hello. Leave (Mystery Woman) alone. We take care of our own. Everything. And nothing is any of your business."
3. (Caller Two) "Hello. It's high time that you caught on that (Mystery Woman) doesn't have time for your foolishness. Thank you."
4. (Caller Two) "(Mystery Woman) is going on an extended vacation with her family and while there will seek medical care for her problems. (Mystery Woman) has forgotten more than you will ever know. So."
5. (Caller Two) "Hello. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us. So leave (Mystery Woman) alone. It's against the law to disturb the peace. Don't forget it."
Bienkowski on Thursday said that when Boulder detectives interviewed her on Wednesday, they questioned "the structure, not the content of her treatment."
Bienkowski said she felt detectives were "looking for ways to invalidate the statements."
Alex Constantine has much more here, and names the woman as "Belinda Schultz."
On October 13, 1999, the day after the announcement that there would be no charges filed in the Ramsey case following the adjournment of the Grand Jury, Denver journalist and Panama Deception Oscar winner Joe Calhoun was given a 23-page file "of such a bizarre nature," he told Constantine, "I was extremely circumspect about regarding it as a collection of genuine documents and confidential memos I jokingly referred to it to some of my colleagues as The Blair Witch Project of the JonBenet Ramsey case. I didn't pursue any of the leads mentioned in the file until recently."
It was only after the "mystery woman," Belinda Schultz, came forward that Calhoun "decided to give it a second look, since the information contained therein seemed to parallel the information the woman was providing Boulder D.A. Alex Hunter and the police. Upon rereading all of the information contained in it, and cross-referencing names, the entire file had more of a flow of information."
The DNA of an unidentifed white male is beneath JonBenet's fingernails and mixed with her blood. Whatever guilt the Ramseys may bear in their daughter's death is shared, just as JonBenet was likely shared in life.
It's perhaps easy to see how Belgians, already familiar with the disclosure of its fascist secret army's false flag terror of the Brabant massacres, could admit that Marc Dutroux has friends in high places who also preyed upon their children. After Brabant, what, now, could be inconceivable?
Even after 9/11, most Americans aren't there yet.
Jeff Wells, Rigorous Intuition
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