
National Educational Association (NEA): Stated Socialist/Communist Agenda?

This article is a very valuable document showing the goals of the NEA nearly 70 years ago in 1932. This is about the time that William Z. Foster wrote Toward Soviet America and the Humanists wrote their First Manifesto. It should be read and kept as a clear understanding of the subversive plans the NEA had for using America's schools. Many people think of these goals as recent. This article should serve to set them straight.

Concerning the movement toward a one-world government today, if the power elite are to accomplish their objectives, traditional values would, of course, have to be undermined. In that regard, education has played a critical role for many years, and a typical example can be found in The Tenth Yearbook of the National Education Association's Department of Superintendence, published in February 1932, and titled Character Education, in which one reads:  
"Relativity must replace absolutism in the realm of morals as well as in the spheres of physics and biology.
"...If the individual is to be happy in the contemporary order, he must be open-minded with respect to new values and new arrangements.
"...Loyalty to the family must be merged into loyalty to the community, loyalty to the community into loyalty to the nation, and loyalty to the nation into loyalty to mankind. The citizen of the future must be a citizen of the world.
"...Also, within the limits of a particular society, individualistic and competitive impulses must be subordinated increasingly to social and cooperative tendencies.
"...Interdependence rather than independence is the rule of life.
"...Under the condition of freedom and plenty generated by industrial society, the youth of the country are abandoning the severe sex taboos of the past; the sanctity of the marriage relationship is being challenged; the dogmas and ceremonies of the church are losing their power.
"...Until we have a more equitable distribution of property and income in this country, great numbers of families will remain totally unfit agencies of character education.
"...The church seems never to have been able to win either the masses or the statesmen of the Western nations to the Christian way of life. "...The position of the church today is one of confusion and uncertainty. It has lost much of the authority with which it at one time was clothed.
"...Only when it employs the outworn dogmas of the past and appeals to certain of the traditional prejudices of the people does it appear to have confidence in its own pronouncements.
"...This analysis shows a need for statements of objectives which....stimulate the creation of new moralities in accord with our changing society.
"...The center of attention is not to be some traits to be expressed, some rules of conduct, some ideal of truth or beauty. The center of attention is to be the situation.
"...The old structure passes. Religion, morality, business, family, school, and state change.
"...Emotional conditioning does determine a great deal of one's attitudes toward persons, things, and ideas, and is responsible for a large part of one's outlook on life. Conditioning is therefore a process which may be employed by the teacher or parent to build up attitudes in the child and predispose him to the actions by which these attitudes are expressed.
"...It is probable that the chauvinistic teaching of much of the history of the home country is responsible for a good share of the international friction and conflict.
"...An eminent teacher of ethics, Professor George Herbert Palmer (said): 'Many here (New England) carry a conscience about with them which makes us say, "How much better off they would be with none!"'
"...Education must be redirected if it is to become the chief means whereby society will attempt to remake itself.
"...School life will begin with the nursery school and extend to include adult education in various forms. "...It may come to be, in this changing world, that society will come quickly to support and control a program of education extending, for the individual, from the cradle to the grave.
"...As need arises, it will offer the individual opportunity to change quickly or slowly from one vocation or profession to another.
"...The question of demand and supply of workers in the various professions and occupations may in time also become a part of our social planning.
"The objective of character education is to teach the child that he will do the best possible thing in each situation, old and new.
"Presumable the person which has specialized in child psychology and other sciences is better prepared to engineer a group of boys and girls in certain socialized activities than is the lay parent...."
Does this sound like the sexual liberation, situation ethics, social engineering, lifelong learning, school-to-work, redistribute-the-wealth, interdependence, and world citizenship promoted and accepted by many toward the end of the 20th century? 
The world government of the power elite will be Socialist in nature, and thus during the 1930s, the United States began to move toward Socialism at the national level. In 1940, former Indiana Congressman Samuel Pattengill authored Smoke-Screen, in which he wrote:

"I have not believed the immediate threat is Communism. The outright confiscation of property, and the overnight destruction of liberty are not likely. The danger today is something else. It is creeping collectivism.
"...The progress will be gradual but the end inevitable. There will be no sudden coup d'etat. The march will be step by step, and by muffled tread. It will move under the smoke-screen of laudable 'objectives' to its hidden goal. That goal is National Socialism.
"...We are yet a long way from National Socialism of the Hitler species. We will probably never get that variety. But that we are moving toward some form of National Socialism and away from  our form of government seems hard to not believe.
"...What is really at stake in America today is our form of government. The issue is "Freedom or Feudalism."
Congressman Pattengill's reference to the march being "step by step" and his warning about a future feudalism are striking, because in the April 1974 edition of the Council on Foreign Relations' Foreign Affairs, Rhodes Scholar and CFR member Richard Gardner declared that
"the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down.
"...but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."  
Gardner in this article went on to explain how GATT would be part of this, and the GATT's World Trade Organization has today become something of a feudal mechanism whereby the global elite are managing labor serfs in a global economy. 
The plan developed many decades ago was that in order to achieve International Socialism with a World Socialist Government, nations (including the U.S.) would first have to move toward the National Socialism about which Congressman Pettengill warned, and then those National Socialist nations could more easily be merged under an International Socialist World Government. Likewise, regional economic arrangements (e.g., NAFTA, the European Community, etc.) would be formed and then merged into a world economic structure such as the WTO, which the power elite would then say had to be managed by a World Socialist Government. 
Most people are already familiar with how the global economy has caused American jobs to go overseas to third world nations and how the WTO has coerced the U.S. Congress into changing our laws. Senior writer for the Chicago Tribune, Richard Longworth, in Global Squeeze (1998) wrote that  
"...the big story of the twenty-first century will be globalization's impact on the nations of the world. But already, secure jobs at ever-rising wages are becoming a thing of the past.
"...The poor (in the U.S.) are getting poorer, and there are more of them.
"...This is the 'race to the bottom,' a process that drives income ever lower.
"This is the dehumanization of labor. No other major country treats its workers as commodities in this way, as raw materials or components that can be bargained to the lowest price.
"...Globalization has already weakened the ability of the governments to control their own economies.
"The global economy is a reality and cannot be denied. But uncontrolled, it can destroy these civilizations, to the point that we will wake one day to discover that we are neither consumers nor producers nor citizens at all."
How does this bargaining of workers to the lowest level play out in the cities and towns of Florida and all across America? Let's say there's an influential businessman who has a grass-cutting or carpet-cleaning or fast food business or one of many other enterprises. And let's say he gets work permits for 10 migrant workers whom he lodges in a 2 bedroom house. He then goes to his 10 lower middle-class American workers, each of whom has a wife and children and small houses with mortgages, and tells his workers that they are being let go because he can pay his migrant workers a lot less because they share expenses (each would pay only $10 per month on a $100 electric bill, for instance). All it takes is for one businessman in an industry in a community to do this, and others in the same industry in the community are forced to do likewise if they are to remain competitive. This type of thing is happening all across America, and the consequences for American workers and their families are traumatic. 
Of course, if we are to have a world government, there will have to be an enforcer. And in that regard, the U.N. tribunal's arrest of former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic is precedent-setting. Some years ago, the World Federalist Association, which promotes world federal government, outlined a plan for the U.N. to have agencies such as the International Criminal Court whereby national sovereignty would be gradually eroded and a world federation established. President Clinton wrote a letter to the WFA wishing them in general "future success," and Clinton, of course prosecuted the war against Milosevic over Kosovo. Recently, the Bush administration threatened to withhold reconstruction aid unless Yugoslavia turned Milosevic over to the U.N. tribunal at the Hague on the charge of crimes against humanity. Though the current head of Yugoslavia protested, leading Serbians turned Milosevic over for trial. Of course this is hypocritical, because while current President Bush and former Presidents Bush and Clinton have approved of this action, they at the same time have applauded Mikhail Gorbachev even though he prosecuted the Soviet war against Afghanistan, which included exploding toys that maimed and perhaps even killed some Afghan children. Also, it raises the question of whether Henry Kissinger will be turned over to a U.N. tribunal for what Cambodian leaders have called his illegal war against them 30 years ago. And since the vast majority of the international community was opposed to former President Bush's invasion of Panama, could he be taken to a U.N. tribunal for trial?
But how would such a U.N. tribunal get around Americans' Constitutional rights? I've said for some time that it would be through crises. Recently, more than one mother has killed her children, and so the cry goes up for the government to monitor families carefully because children may be at-risk. Furthermore, eco-terrorists have recently been committing arson in the northwest, and on June 25, the CBS Evening News showed one of the victims saying:
"A month ago, if you'd asked me, I would have said I didn't want to live with security systems ruling my life because I didn't want a fortress mentality. And now I welcome them." 
Crises cause Americans to be more willing to give up Constitutional privacy rights. And every time there's a shooting, there are calls to limit our Second Amendment right to bear arms. and without that right, how can we defend ourselves if a U.N. tribunal comes after us?


What really happened to the Hartleys on Falcon Lake?

Analysis: I know I normally start off my posts with excerpts from news stories, but there are too many small pieces of this story in separate articles. I'll try my best to encapsulate everything here. 
You probably already know the basic story, but in case you don't... David and Tiffany Hartley went for a ride on their jet skis last month on Falcon Lake, whichLakefalconmap001straddles the Texas-Mexico border. There are some beautiful church ruins (#12 on the map) that are partially submerged on the Mexican side that they were trying to check out. While they were near that area, Tiffany says they were approached by men in three boats who started shooting. They began to flee towards the US side of the lake, but then David got shot and fell off his jet ski. Tiffany tried to pull him up onto her ski, but she says they started shooting at her. So, she had to leave him and beat feet to avoid getting shot herself.
Tiffany has provided a few different versions of the story, which has caused authorities on both sides of the border to be a little suspicious. David's body hasn't been found yet, and it will probably never be found. I've also read accounts that say David was shot from the front, which doesn't jive with him getting shot while heading away from the "pirates" towards the US side of the lake. The same account said the Hartleys had just returned from a luxury cruise and bought a house filled with new furniture shortly after attending a seminar for people having financial trouble.
The latest analysis by Stratfor says the shooting was a case of mistaken identity. David apparently had worked in Reynosa, and their car had Tamaulipas plates. This led Los Zetas to believe the Hartleys may be rival DTO Gulf cartel scouts. Stratfor also surmises that the killing was unauthorized, and the accidental work of young amateurs who have probably been killed by their cartel bosses already. The head Mexican investigator has already been killed, with his severed head delivered to Mexican authorities, and the search for David's body has been suspended indefinitely.
So what really happened? I have to tell you, this story doesn't pass the smell test for me. There's too much that doesn't make sense, and Tiffany has told too many different versions of what happened. I keep going back to the motive of the alleged shooters. Robbery (which is what pirates do)? No way...two jet skiers wouldn't exactly have a lot of cash on them, and I haven't read anywhere that the pirates took David's jet ski - or even tried to take Tiffany's. Retribution? I was told by a reporter friend of mine who got an off-the-record tip that the Hartleys may have been involved in some drug activity, but that hasn't been fleshed out enough. For fun? I still think it's too dangerous for cartels to start randomly shooting at innocent Americans just to do it because they know the response will likely be strong and swift. 
I think the Stratfor explanation makes sense. I know that many DTOs are hard up for shooters, so sometimes they have to hire younger punks with itchy trigger fingers. I just didn't expect that Los Zetas - probably the strongest DTO next to the Sinaloa Federation - would be so hard up that they'd have to go that route. Then again, they did just execute 72 South American migrants who refused to work for them. The more-then-slightly cynical explanation that "the wife did it" also makes sense, especially if the Hartley's were hard up for money and she was looking for a life insurance payout. However, we know Los Zetas were definitely involved in the incident - whatever really happened - and it's unlikely Tiffany had entered into some sort of arrangement with them. 
The Mexican authorities do not want to get back in this game for fear of losing more investigators, and they've already spent way more time looking for David than they would have looking for a Mexican citizen. I highly doubt David's body will ever be found - I agree with Stratfor that Los Zetas had to eliminate it - and we'll never have an account of events outside of Tiffany's side of the story. One can only hope that US citizens actually start heeding the advice given in State Department travel warnings and stay away from places like Falcon Lake known to be highly active drug smuggling areas.


Crime Rankings for Cities and States—Most Dangerous Cities–Crime in America

Crime Rankings for Cities and States—Most Dangerous Cities–Crime in America.Net

Updated with four new sources-fall, 2010

There are two kinds of readers that come to this site. Some are interested in complexity and options regarding crime in cities, states and countries.

Others want the most direct sources ranking cities as to dangerousness/safety. According to Google, it’s one of the most popular terms for crime related searches.

Please note that it’s nearly impossible to compare crime in cities with any real sense of accuracy (explained below) so explore the first set of sources with caution. Not all cities appear on all lists depending on what’s measured.Note that some studies from commercial sources are harshly criticized by criminologists for what they choose to measure. We recommend that you look at everything available, acknowledge what was measured and come to your own conclusions.

For those who want the most direct answer as to cities and crime, see the following links: There are four tables from the Georgia State University providing homicide rates by city. Generally speaking (but not always) homicides and violent crimes rise and fall together.

The following are commercial publications. Note that some criminologists have issues with the interpretation of data:

Wikipedia offers Data carries pages of general interest data for all cities and metropolitan areas–it’s searchable by zipcode–for crime related data; see ” Top 101 City Lists” on the front page.

Buying or renting a house:

Many come to this site for assistance in choosing a safe place to live. For an article addressing buying or renting, see We caution readers to personally investigate the immediate and surrounding neighborhoods as an important first step.

Readers who want details: Additional crime sources available, Comparisons of individual communities, states , and countries

The material below provides some of the best sources in the country:

Additional sources for crime data:

Start with the FBI .

Michigan State University offers a wide array of data sources. See

There are resources comparing states:

There are resources comparing countries:

There are resources comparing individual communities within cities (most dangeruos communities)

There are resources with state-to-state comparisons of the most stolen cars:

There are resources comparing states and teenager criminal or dangerous behavior:

Additional sources:

Background–the difficulity of comparing jurisdictions–reported and unreported crime and crime rates:

Crime statistics are confusing and frequently misunderstood. There are criminologists who spend their professional lives investigating the complexity of crime data.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collects crimes reported to law enforcement agencies through state collection agencies and releases statistics for the nation, states, metropolitan areas and cities twice a year.

The National Crime Survey from the National Institute of Justice releases crime survey data for the country based on reported and unreported crime and does not offer crime statistics for states, metro areas or cities. See for differences as to FBI and National Crime Survey data.

The FBI frowns on using data reported to law enforcement agencies to make comparisons of one city to another, and for good reasons.

Most crime is not reported to the police (thus the need for the National Crime Survey to get a picture of total crime) so there is a lot of room for error. Law enforcement agencies can affect the amount of crime reported through aggressive interactions with citizens.

The FBI and state crime data collection agencies try to enforce common definitions on what constitutes a crime, but individual officers can (and do) downgrade crimes where definitions are vague. For example, an overaggressive person (or people) asking for money could be guilty of panhandling or robbery; it depends on how you interpret the aggressiveness of the person “asking” for money.

Some cities have been known to downgrade crimes. The past is filled with documented examples. Some cities do poor jobs of collecting and analyzing crime data.

Most crime rankings are based on crimes per 1,000 residents which immediately creates an unfair playing field if you get thousands of tourists or workers per day. Those thousands of “outsiders” will inevitably commit crimes or inadvertently create opportunities for crime that would not exist in cities or states not getting a lot of tourists or daily workers.

So the bottom line is that crimes and crimes reported can and will differ for reasons having little or nothing to do with the quality of policing or crime control strategies.

Having said this, the warning from the FBI is routinely ignored by every newspaper in the country; all report on how their city or county or state ranks regarding crime.

So if you choose to look at rankings, please do so with an open mind. A city or state may have crime problems, but hundreds of thousands or millions of its citizens and tourists and workers move throughout their city in relative safety on a daily basis.