by Bill Lavigne
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The federal NDP advertises on its website that it is against the Security and Prosperity Partnership North American Union (SPP-NAU) agenda. However, it appears that the NDP merely advertises such opposition to placate and deceive its activist supporters, while Mr. Layton and his political party elite colleagues substantively capitulate.
Indeed, in spite of the alleged opposition of the NDP to the SPP-NAU agenda, Manitoba's NDP Premier Gary Doer, in his government's Throne Speech 20 November 2007, endorsed the so-called "Mid Continental Corridor" North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway.
While Mr. Harper professes to stand for "integrity in government", the Stephen Harper government has officially denied the existence of any such "NAFTA Superhighway" project, in the face of ample proof that it does exist.
Rest assured, Mr. Doer as an NDP Premier, within the constitutional modus operandi of the NDP, would not have provided that SPP-related endorsement, without having consultation and agreement with Jack Layton, his federal party leader. That type of high level "executive-political" non-consultation is not how the NDP works.
Victor Fletcher, the editor of Toronto Street News, regales us with a story about NDP leader Jack Layton: "I met Jack Layton two Saturdays ago and asked him why the NDP was supporting the NAFTA highway in the NDP Manitoba Throne Speech. He said "Manitoba needs the Churchill jobs." I agreed but further asked: "Why then, do they have to issue Mexican drivers licenses for fall of 2008?" He then RAN AWAY!"
"He took off with his aide and never answered after taking a copy of Toronto Street News which a headline I pointed to saying: “Harper's Police State Union With Bush Moving Fast! Manitoba Throne Speech Announces U.S. Union!"
This is not the action of someone who is substantively against the SPP-NAU agenda. Mr. Layton as a "Quisling"-like collaborator, along with Mr. Dion and the Bloc Quebecois leader have indeed turned Opposition Party politics in Canada into facile political theatre aimed at deceiving Canadians.
The Norwegian Prime Minister Vidkun Quisling co-operated with Adolf Hitler to deliver that country to the Nazis; and these Canadians are similarly cooperating to deliver Canada to Neo-Nazi military expansionist interests. Indeed, both former German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, and the U.S. Bush administration embrace disturbingly similar pre-emptive military strike foreign policy and national security legitimated doctrines.
The NDP grassroots in particular, are being lulled into a stupor that 'Jack' is out fighting against the SPP, while his operatives like Gary Doer betray the apparent true allegiances of NDP political party elites.
Victor Fletcher also states: "Jack Layton is an old customer of mine from the late 1970's when he ran for municipal politics and I ran a union typesetting company designing election literature and arranging union printing for customers." Therefore, Mr. Fletcher provides his comments as someone who has been very supportive of Mr. Layton and the NDP.
Mr. Fletcher as elaborates that: "I was a supporter of his [Mr. Layton] over the years and he did help us with the Toronto Street News sold by the homeless. So I have known Jack for many years and he was the only politician who ever wrote a book about the homeless situation."
"I was deeply saddened when he confirmed the NDP government of Doer and their Throne Speech also confirmed the NAFTA highway was coming from Mexico to deliver exploited Mexican labour to Canada as well as Chinese goods."
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Indeed, the so-called NAFTA Superhighway, is an agenda of Big Business interests, that have sought to use the secretive arrangement of the SPP-NAU created by elites, to import slave labour from Mexico and goods created from the slave labour of Communist China.
In the view of Big Business NAFTA Superhighway backers, why should corporations move to Mexico and build new factories to employ cheap Mexican labour, when you can bring cheap Mexican labour into the U.S. and Canada through a NAFTA Superhighway corridor? Imagine cheap Mexican and other exploited labour being brought to work in existing manufacturing plants into Canadian cities like Winnipeg, Vancouver, Hamilton, and Toronto, where these Mexicans (and other exploited labour) would be paid the same wage as if they were still in Mexico, Communist China, India or a "Third World" country.
An integral part of the NAU agenda is to replace existing Canadian and U.S. immigration law, with edicts that have been secretly created by Big Business interests, and that can move cheap labour, like livestock, around North America, along a elite constructed Continental Highway and Inland Port System.
Drivers Licenses in the context of the NAFTA Superhighway Agenda
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The Security and Prosperity Partnership hologram logo in the shape of the North American Continent has began to appear on new driver's licenses being issued in the State of North Carolina.
The issuing of such licenses in North America is apparently being executed under the terms of the Driver's License Agreement (DLA), launched under the auspices American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA).
The National Conferences of State Legislatures in the United States documents in a report issued in March 2005 that "the new DLA was developed largely without input from state elected officials." LINK. The DLA is the institutional creature of an anti-democratic and exploitative agenda.
The DLA indeed envisions the creation of one common license across North America inclusive of Mexico, in relation to the broad SPP-NAU agenda.
Indeed, the apparent NAU agenda of the DLA defines "jurisdiction" to, “allow participation by a territory or province of Canada and by any state of the Republic of Mexico or the Federal District of Mexico.” LINK.
Under the pretext of new national security features, in defence against the "terrorists", the DLA operatives of the SPP are seeking to convince Canadians and Americans of the need to accept new licenses. However, that is an apparent mass-deception. The new licenses appear to be actually about furthering a calculated malevolent continental corporate agenda.
William Gheen, who heads the Raleigh, N.C.-based Americans for Legal Immigration political action committee, says the new license is “‘North American Union' ready.”
The online publication New Max reported on 6 September 2007 that, "The hologram is a foil-based security patch that carries design features both visible and invisible to the human eye, including a variety of codes, numbers, and 3-D and fluorescent images."
The apparent agenda of these licenses is to enable exploited Mexican labour who are issued North American licenses, to be able to freely drive into U.S. and Canadian industrial centres, as a parallel pool of cheap labour, that can be paid by employers as if they were still in Mexico. Mexicans would be presumably housed in prison like labour camps, as an industrial reserve army for the rich corporate elites that seek to replace democracy in Canada and the United States with their own "NAU continental authority".
The Industrial interests that back that NAFTA Superhighway are anti-union, and seek the NAFTA Superhighway as a means to take labour rights back to an elite idealized time during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution, when workers lived in abject poverty, at the sufferance of their employers.
Indeed, the whole apparent goal of the U.S. Bush administration's interest in amnesty for illegal Mexican immigrants in the United States was not out of compassion or a conviction for human rights. Rather, the U.S. Bush administration appears to have simply sought to enable corporations to be able to more openly hire exploited Mexican workers, without union support, on wages that are below the poverty line.
NAFTA Superhighway promises masses job losses for Canadians and Americans, alongside growing urban poverty
The NAFTA Superhighway promises to create massive new layoffs of higher paid Canadian workers in Canada, and American workers in the U.S., and the overall spread of worsening urban poverty and crime, as a result of these massive lay-offs, and the influx of exploited migrant labour.
The NAFTA Superhighway agenda is being hidden away from Canadians, (as well as Americans) because less than 1% of Canadians and Americans (i.e. elite corporate shareholders and owners of capital) is expected to commercially benefit from it.
It is apparent that the NAFTA Superhighway that in turn is linked to the DLA architects "one license under one continent" mantra , that in turn is linked to the overall SPP-NAU agenda, is part of the New World Order (NWO) agenda, that seeks to "unify" the world under a neo-fascist elite. Through new licenses and other such sophisticated biometric and other such "security measures", in the name of "fighting terrorism", elites seek to rule our planet Earth via totalitarian control.
The NWO envisions a planet Earth, where people cannot rely on local democratic control to defend their human rights.
The NAFTA Superhighway or Mid-Continental Corridor in reference to Mr. Layton's comments, is not designed to provide good paying jobs to the people of Churchill, or other parts of Canada. Rather, the NAFTA Superhighway is intended to simplify continental land routes, and accordingly, ease the ability of Mexicans, and other exploited labour to be transported into Churchill, and other parts of Canada, at the will of elites, within a neo-fascistic NAU.
As Mr. Fletcher expresses: "I hadn't expected the NDP of all parties to be the ones to let the cat out of the bag for all Canadians to see, after he had previously indicated the NDP would fight the union of Canada, U.S. and Mexico."
"We all know that the CPR bought a railway south of the Great Lakes which has a spur line down to Kansas City where the NAFTA Superhighway will allow Mexican truck drivers to reach quickly," adds Mr. Fletcher
"The CNR is doing similar work on Canada's west coast reaching south into Washington State."
"Yes, I button-holed him at the Bali demonstration at Yonge and Dundas. His aide took the current issue of the paper calling Harper a traitor for lying about the NAFTA highway and NAU. But they left me standing there when I asked the question," further says Mr. Fletcher.
The NAFTA Superhighway is being built around a broader scheme to transfer Canada's control of its own resources, to U.S. and Canadian-based Big Business interests, in the context of the neo-fascistic NAU agenda.
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The U.S. political-military-industrial complex having depleted America's resources through greed-driven exploitation, seeks to create a NAFTA Superhighway specifically, and the NAU. in general, in order to facilitate the siphoning and depletion of our resources, here in Canada.
Canadians must either rally to cancel NAFTA that spawned the SPP-NAU agenda, or face a future in which they will have little more rights that sheep in a farm, with a quality-of-life that may not be that much better.
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