
Impact of the North American Union in US markets


The Conference Board said July’s consumer confidence rose to 106.5 from 105.4 in June. The present situation index rose to 133.0 from 132.2, while the expectations index edged up to 88.8 from 87.5.

Sales of existing homes fell 1.8% n June one of the 3 best selling months of the year. The inventory of unsold homes rose to a record 6.8-month supply at the June sales rate, the highest since July 1997. The median price has risen 0.9% in the past year to $231,000, the weakest price growth in ten years. Sales were flat in the West and Midwest, off 2.3% in the south and off 3.5% in the Northeast. Median prices of single-family homes are up 1.1% y-o-y, while condo prices fell 2.1%. Single-family home sales fell 0.9% and condo prices are down 2.1%.

Foreclosure filings in Massachusetts increased 66% in the second quarter. That is 4,292 notices of foreclosure, up from 2,585 y-o-y. Filings rose 30% in the first quarter. Past due mortgages are 3% versus 4% nationwide. Much of the trouble comes from ARMS on second homes.

We can’t believe Arlen Specter (R-PA), who is not running for reelection, is going to do something decent and right. He says, “we will submit legislation to the US Senate, which will authorize Congress to undertake judicial review of signing statements with the view to having the President’s acts declared unconstitutional.” Bush has issued 750 signing statements during his presidency, reserving the right to reverse, interpret or disregard laws on national security, on constitutional grounds. The practice destroys the separation of powers. The American Bar Association says he has signed more than 800. The man, Bush, who would be dictator.

The North American Union is a de facto treaty that was never submitted to the Senate for ratification. This union will include a tri-national North American Union ID card. At a June hearing before an immigration subcommittee, a Department of Homeland Security counselor touted the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. He said under the North American Union’s “Security & Prosperity Partnership” people entering or leaving the US from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda present either a new document called a “Passport Card” or other documents to be named, which will meet certain standards to be determined. This requirement would also apply to Americans, who currently do not need a passport to travel to those countries. George and the neocons are brazenly laying the foundation to turn the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) into a back-door tri-national ID system. If an enhanced driver’s license is used then Mexico and Canada would have to meet all of the US criteria. Such a move would have to have legislation to that effect passed by Congress. This is just another attack on our constitutional rights in order to treat us like sheep.

What is the Guardians of Liberty? It’s about three million hardcore George W. Bush neocon backers, sort of like an SS or Gestapo - the anointed followers. This is the next Bush-Republican project and guess what, it will be funded via a Netherlands-Antilles secret corporation, called “Trilateral Communications Ltd.” What a fitting title. Of course what we are looking at is a corporation that was funded via black ops-drug operations during Iran Contra. This corporation is part of the Trilateral Investment Group, which finances the neocon juggernaught. This is what finances the insiders within government and keeps elitists in office in the perpetuation of wealth, power and world government. This is the black bag group who do all the dirty work and dirty tricks. It goes all the way from character assassinations, to phony criminal charges to murder. Thus the financing and organizing of this wildly devoted fascist group comes from people who have continually broken the law and gotten away with it. This group is what you always suspected existed but couldn’t prove it. This is the product of the last 30 years of Republican power and how it was financed. It is no wonder Lyn Nofziger didn’t want me contaminating Ronald Reagan with the truth in 1965. This is the group as a whole that believes that if you do not support the neocon fascist movement you are undemocratic, treasonous or a seditionist. Now you can well understand why we cannot any longer live in the US. We wouldn’t last two weeks, we are protestors, and seekers and messengers of the truth, something this swine can’t stand. These people will turn these Guardians of Liberty into useful zombies. This will be sold all in the guise of patriotism. After it gets going then the spy on your neighbor – KGB – Stasi – program will go into action. Then they’ll have vast dossiers on millions of Americans, just this time it is not the communist at the helm, it’s fascists. If you let it be, this will be your tomorrow...

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