

Gabriel (15) • Brighton, England

Socialism is for the workers, capitalism is for the bourgeoisie and communism is for everyone. It seems quite obvious that if there are forms of politics that have to benefit a selected section of society instead of the whole, then the form of politics communism mustn't work. If there is no state machine who would keep the criminals in control and who would look after poeple in trouble? No need for professional police forces? Why not just control the police considerably, so that it is the people who are protected? Because without a police force it would become either an authoritarian state or a failed anarchistic state inevitably. It is obvious that we need freedom from capitalism but it is extremely unlikely that communism will help bring a better situation, as there are too many selfish people in the world.

Man has never lived completely free accept when we were neandertholic and could not think of of a system of government. Always we have needed people to control us, and many of us have wanted this way, but obviously in moderation. We do not want a king or queen or dictator who controls every movement of our lives, instead we want someone to do the things we like to forget about. Maybe this is what you meant in your definition and I am just used to people who tell me I'm wrong, but I need to make it clear.

I believe some aspects of capitalism should be kept though, such as mass production, as it creates many jobs for the unskilled and untrained, and can be taxed highly to give the government more spending money on hospitals and schools. You should then raise the minimum wage to around £7 so that the business owner does not make such a high profit, like the nepmen in lenin's time of his new economic policy.

And I also believe that many aspects of socialism should be kept, such as many businesses and trades should be privatised, to prevent the middle-men gaining such profits. It would also provide excellent funding for a wide variety of government plans, and would decrease the amount of people making piles of money out of doing nothing.

All these things put together would make UTILITARIANISM. A form of politics aiming to benefit mainly the hard-working and the industrious. It is not a recognised form of politics.

The hardest thing about any form of socialism or communism is knowing how to sell it. Because so many people are now completely anti-communist after the atrocities of the USSR. So you must make people believe what they are embarking upon is not the USSR, China, or Cambodia communism it is the real communism.

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